General Objectives
8th Grade
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At the end of school year, the students from 8th Grade, are gonna be able to:
English Language Arts (ELA)
Students will be able to read, comprehend, and analyze a wide variety of literary texts, including stories, dramas, and poems.
They will strengthen their ability to cite strong textual evidence to support their understanding and inferences.
Students will determine and analyze themes and central ideas, examining their development through characters, setting, and plot.
They will explore how dialogue and specific incidents propel the action and reveal character traits or decisions, and they will evaluate the meaning of words, including figurative and connotative meanings, and their impact on tone.
Through comparing text structures, analyzing differences in points of view, and evaluating adaptations of literary works, students will deepen their critical thinking and appreciation for how literature conveys meaning and emotion.
They will also connect modern works to traditional stories and myths, recognizing the ways in which themes and character archetypes are reimagined.
Throughout the year, students will build proficiency in reading increasingly complex texts independently.
Students will be able to read, comprehend, and critically analyze informational texts, citing strong textual evidence for both explicit meanings and inferences.
They will determine central ideas, analyze their development, and provide objective summaries.
Students will explore how texts make connections between ideas, individuals, or events, and examine the impact of word choice on meaning and tone.
They will evaluate text structures and the roles of specific sentences or paragraphs in developing key concepts.
Additionally, students will analyze an author’s point of view and how conflicting evidence is addressed.
They will assess the strengths and limitations of various mediums, evaluate arguments for sound reasoning and relevant evidence, and compare conflicting information across texts.
Ultimately, students will read and comprehend complex literary nonfiction independently and proficiently.
Students will be able to write clear, coherent, and well-structured texts across a variety of genres, including arguments, informative/explanatory texts, and narratives.
They will develop arguments that support claims with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, while acknowledging opposing viewpoints.
Students will write informative texts that effectively convey ideas using well-chosen facts, definitions, and examples, and create narratives that develop real or imagined experiences using descriptive details and organized event sequences.
They will use precise language, transitions, and formal style to ensure cohesion and clarity in their writing, and they will craft strong conclusions that follow logically from the content.
Additionally, students will conduct research projects, gathering and assessing information from credible sources, and applying relevant reading standards to their writing.
With support, they will revise and refine their work and use technology to produce and publish their writing.
They will also write routinely over various time frames for different purposes and audiences.
Students will develop effective speaking and listening skills by engaging in a range of discussions with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas while expressing their own clearly.
They will come prepared, having read or researched the material, and contribute thoughtfully by referencing evidence from texts and topics under study.
Students will follow rules for collaborative discussions, track progress toward group goals, and define roles as needed.
They will pose insightful questions, respond with relevant evidence, and analyze information presented in various formats.
Additionally, they will evaluate speakers’ arguments, assessing the soundness of reasoning and evidence.
Students will present their own ideas clearly and coherently, using well-chosen details and appropriate communication techniques.
They will enhance their presentations with multimedia elements and visual displays to clarify and strengthen their points.
Throughout, students will adapt their speech to fit different contexts and demonstrate command of formal English when appropriate.
Students will develop a strong command of language by mastering the use of verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives) and understanding their functions within sentences.
They will form and use verbs in both active and passive voice, as well as in various moods (indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive), while recognizing and correcting inappropriate shifts in voice or mood.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in standard English conventions, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, and will use punctuation marks like commas, ellipses, and dashes effectively.
They will enhance their understanding of vocabulary by using context, Greek and Latin roots, and reference materials to clarify the meanings of unknown words or phrases.
Additionally, students will interpret figurative language, explore word relationships and connotations, and accurately use grade-appropriate academic and domain-specific vocabulary to enhance comprehension and expression in both writing and speech.
Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers.
Work with radicals and integer exponents.
Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.
Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
Define, evaluate, and compare functions.
Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
Ampliar su capacidad de comunicación, aportando, compartiendo y evaluando información en diversos contextos.
Ampliar su conocimiento de las características del lenguaje oral y escrito en sus aspectos sintácticos, semánticos y gráficos, y lo utilicen para comprender y producir textos.
Interpreten y produzcan textos para responder a las demandas de la vida social, empleando diversas modalidades de lectura y escritura en función de sus propósitos.
Expresen y defiendan sus opiniones y creencias de manera razonada, respeten los puntos de vista de otros desde una perspectiva crítica y reflexiva, utilicen el diálogo como forma privilegiada para resolver conflictos, y sean capaces de modificar sus opiniones y creencias ante argumentos razonables.
Analicen, comparen y valoren la información que generan los diferentes medios de comunicación masiva, y tengan una opinión personal sobre los mensajes que éstos difunden.
Conozcan, analicen y aprecien el lenguaje literario de diferentes géneros, autores, épocas y culturas, con el fin de que valoren su papel en la representación del mundo; comprendan los patrones que lo organizan y las circunstancias discursivas e históricas que le han dado origen.
Utilicen el lenguaje de manera imaginativa, libre y personal para reconstruir la experiencia propia y crear textos literarios.
Utilicen los acervos impresos y digitales a su alcance para obtener y seleccionar información con propósitos específicos.
Students will learn the fundamental concepts of physics through engaging, hands-on experiments and real-world applications, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The goal is to develop a foundational understanding of key physics principles such as forces, energy, motion, and waves, while encouraging curiosity and a love for science
Social Studies
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the Earth's physical features and processes.
They will explore topics such as continents, oceans, climate, weather patterns, natural resources, and environmental issues.
Analyze the relationship between human activities and the environment.
Students will investigate how human populations have interacted with and modified the natural world, considering topics like urbanization, agriculture, industry, and sustainable development.
Examine the cultural, political, and economic landscapes of different regions.
They will explore the diversity of human cultures, political systems, and economic activities around the globe.
Students will be able to identify and understand their emotions.
They will learn strategies to deal with stress and with everyday situations, as well as dealing with failure.
Students will also develop skills such as self-perception, resilience, healthy relationships, setting boundaries, healthy perception of the environment, gratitude, generosity, among others
Global Citizen Learning
Students will explore how digital media is designed to influence their choices and reflect on developing healthy media habits.
They will analyze privacy concerns, including how advertisers collect data, and identify strategies to protect their personal information.
Through discussions on social media, students will reflect on their responsibilities regarding digital footprints and balance the benefits and challenges of self-disclosure.
They will learn about the risks of sexting, analyze online hate speech, and develop strategies for responding to both.
Additionally, students will critically evaluate breaking news alerts and the importance of verifying information before reacting.
Students will gain a deep understanding of entrepreneurship by exploring the qualities and innovations that define successful entrepreneurs.
They will learn to identify and analyze business problems using tools such as Customer Journey Maps, Market Driven approaches, and the Scientific Method.
The course will emphasize the role of technology and sustainability in solving problems and evaluating business ideas.
Students will develop skills in assessing and pivoting ideas, understanding customer needs, and creating a Minimum Viable Product.
They will explore business models, cost structures, marketing strategies, and startup identity.
By preparing and practicing a Pitch Deck, students will be equipped to articulate their business ideas and consider funding options, such as bootstrapping or raising capital.
Deepen their understanding of international law, human rights, and global governance.
Students will be challenged to draft resolutions, engage in more sophisticated debate formats, and work in committees to find consensus on pressing world issues.
They will be expected to attend MUN conferences with advanced roles.
Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción al desarrollo de la fuerza, resistencia, velocidad y flexibilidad haciendo énfasis en el entrenamiento funcional y entrenamiento de pesas. Desarrollo de las distintas disciplinas deportivas a impartir.
Discutir la importancia de la actividad fisica como parte de un estilo de vida saludable. Identificar maneras para limitar el consumo de grasas solidas, azucares y sodio añadidos.
Participar en proyectos individuales y grupales con instrumentos como el piano y las percusiones.
Desarrollar la audición analítica de los elementos que componen el lenguaje musical.
Conocer y reconocer los periodos de la música así como sus principales expositores.
Aplicar conocimientos y utilizarlos en la improvisación , composición e interpretación a través del uso de la tecnología.
Expresar y crear trabajos de arte a partir de sus percepciones, sentimientos e ideas generadas desde la observación de manifestaciones estéticas referidas a diversidad cultural, género e íconos sociales, patrimoniales y contemporáneas.
Crear trabajos visuales a partir de intereses personales, experimentando con materiales y técnicas en dibujo, pintura y escultura.
Students will implement concepts such as percentages, speed, chemical reactions and programming language, while developing creativity and artistic expression through the customization of prototypes.
Develop soft skills, such as teamwork, perseverance, tolerance and leadership.