At Welfare,
I find my element.


The Element Program (TEP) is a program focused on discovering and developing each student's natural talent. We offer the opportunity to choose the workshop that represents their predominant intelligence, thus enhancing it through in-depth projects.

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Our inspiration

Our program is inspired by the British Sir Ken Robinson, who was a writer, speaker, and international advisor on education. His main works and lectures speak about 'The Element' which he defines as the meeting point between natural aptitudes and personal inclinations.

Sir Ken Robinson: Finding Your Element

“Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.”

— Ken Robinson


Imagine a school that values arts or sports as much as mathematics.

At Welfare, we make it a reality.

We offer workshops based on the 8 multiple intelligences.

Each student chooses the workshop that represents their predominant intelligence. Some of the workshops offered are:

  • Yoga

  • Reading Club

  • Programming

  • Sculpture

  • Photography

  • Piano

  • Musical Theatre

  • Astronomy

  • Gymnastics

  • Lego Education

  • Math

  • German


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