General Objectives
5th Grade
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At the end of school year, the students from 5th Grade, are gonna be able to:
English Language Arts (ELA)
Delve into complex texts and see the meaning in the details.
Understand the complexity of characters and explore themes while developing skills such as inference and interpretation.
Form research teams to delve into extreme weather and natural disasters while developing skills in cross-text synthesis, close reading, compare and contrast, and evaluation of sources for credibility.
Students are challenged to investigate history by understanding multiple points of view, supporting a position with reasons and evidence, tackling complex text, and using strategies for new domain-specific words.
Practice analytical reading by synthesizing complicated narratives, comparing and contrasting themes, and incorporating nonfiction investigations into your reading.
Student will write realistic fiction and learn to develop rich characters and stories.
Increase proficiency with these genres: thesis-driven persuasive essays, historical research reports, and writing about fiction in literary essays.
Understand the concept of nouns: singular and plural nouns, common and proper nouns, possessive nouns. Use capitalization and titles of works. Use compound, clipped, blended and borrowed words.
Understand and use the concepts of appositives, homophones and articles.
Understand and use adjectives: demonstrative, proper, comparative, superlative possessive adjectives.
Understand and use adverbs: Irregular comparative and superlative adverbs. Use complete subject and predicate, simple subject and predicate, compound sentences.
Students will be able to use a dictionary.
Use Prefixes and Suffixes. Use punctuation, interjections and prepositions.
Count in any range. Understand place value, recognize the value of a digit based on its location within a number.
Add and subtract in any range and make estimates.
Multiply and divide in any range.
Solve combined operations with parentheses.
Use the fraction in different contexts. Know the square numbers.
Add and subtract fractions with any denominator.
Calculate percentages.
Understand the fraction and its relationship with percentage and decimal. Multiply, divide, and estimate with decimals.
Build several triangles, discover some properties and classify them.
Find plane figures that meet certain geometric properties.
Know two different dynamics to develop argumentation and geometric vocabulary, and learn to interpret Venn diagrams.
Discover what graphs are and one of their applications in relation to maps. Identify faces, edges, and vertices.
Measure the length of the edges of the cube to calculate the area and volume of the figure. Apply the spatial thinking necessary to identify and draw transformations of polygons in the plane (symmetries, turns and translations).
Estimate the length, capacity, weight and time.
Measure distances on a map.
Read analog clocks.
Solve operations with coins, cents and bills (USD $).
Identify properties and relationships between angles when two lines cut.
Understand that the relationship between the perimeter of a circle and its diameter is π.
Measure the length of the edges of the cube to calculate the area and volume of the figure.
Discover the relationships between tangram pieces with respect to area, and express them with fractions.
Discover the area of triangles and parallelograms.
Leer y analizar textos complejos y variados.
Escribir textos argumentativos y expositivos.
Identificar y analizar la estructura y el estilo de los textos.
Comprender y aplicar las reglas de gramática y ortografía avanzadas.
Provide evidence that plants can grow without soil. Identify different food webs or chains and cycling of matter in an ecosystem in animals and plants.
Students will Identify different properties of matter, investigate and provide evidence that matter is conserved during change of state.
Students will be able to conduct research and report about the Earth and its major system and how human impact has affected the different systems.
Ciencias Sociales
Los alumnos serán capaces de comprender la importancia de la historia.
Conocer las causas de la independencia, El fin de la Nueva España y la guerra de independencia.
Conocer sobre la guerra de Texas, el imperio de Maximiliano, el triunfo de la República y el ascenso de Porfirio Díaz. Conocer información relevante sobre la Revolución Mexicana, el maderismo, y La Constitución de 1917. Así como el origen de algunos logros nacionales y de los problemas del México contemporáneo.
Los alumnos serán capaces de identificar los continentes de la Tierra y conocer las representaciones cartográficas y divisiones políticas; así como el clima, relieve, variedad de plantas y animales, población, cultura, distribución de minerales y energéticos y calidad de vida en America.
Los alumnos serán capaces de analizar las situaciones que afectan la integridad personal y los Derechos.
Conocer conceptos como identidad colectiva, sentido de pertenencia y cultura de paz.
Comprender el respeto a la diversidad cultural y las formas de hacer frente al conflicto; así como conocer sobre la democracia y las leyes de protección a los derechos.
Develop social and emotional skills, attitudes, and competencies to help them become well-rounded individuals who can effectively navigate their personal and social lives.
Project / UN / Finance
Students will be able to think critically and develop the habits of mind to navigate digital dilemmas in their everyday lives and embrace a positive culture around media and technology.
Analyze the planet's current situation and identify what needs to change.
Describe the three elements/pillars of sustainability.
Mention which are the basic needs of people and animals.
Differentiate between wants and needs.
Mention a goal for themselves, their community and the planet.
Identify their own personal skills, talents and abilities and those of their team members.
Identify improvement areas in their community and planet.
Identify in which way they can make a difference.
Develop a project throughout the trimester using the Reggio Emilia methodology to create an impact in their community.
Ciencias de la Salud
Perfeccionamiento de las capacidades condicionales y coordinativas a través de las distintas disciplinas deportivas a impartir, así como la implementación del entrenamiento funcional.
Fomentar la elección de alimentos más saludables conociendo los macronutrientes y micronutrientes de los alimentos, los alimentos con mayor aporte nutricional y leyendo las etiquetas nutrimentales.
Maduración de las destrezas básicas. Iniciación a la comprensión de la relación de la música con las otras artes y con las disciplinas fuera de la música y su papel en la historia y la cultura.
Expresar y crear trabajos de arte a partir de la observación de nuestro entorno natural, plantas, paisajes, animales, entorno cultural, vida cotidiana y familiar.
Expresar emociones e ideas en sus obras de arte a partir de la experimentación con diversos materiales.
Define basic physics concepts and relate them to common machines.
Study the structure of webpages and learn the programming language of HTML to develop their own webpages.
Apply and recreate their knwolege gain in programming by using a real robot built by themselfs (LEGO Milo).