General Objectives

4th Grade

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At the end of school year, the students from 4th Grade, are gonna be able to:

English Language Arts (ELA)

  • Students ramp up their reading skills by immersing themselves in within-reach fiction books while working on word solving, vocabulary development, and more.

    Read to Learn: Grasping Main Ideas and Text Structures, reading expository nonfiction, such as ascertaining main ideas, recognizing text infrastructure, comparing texts, and thinking critically, as well as the skills for reading narrative nonfiction, such as determining importance by using knowledge of story structure.

    Observe characters and sharpen their skills in interpretation when reading fiction books.

    Work in clubs to gather, synthesize, and organize information about animals, and then use this information to seek solutions to real-world problems.

  • Write on full-sized notebook paper, allowing them to write longer and more fully.

    Students will be able to write personal narrative, with a growing emphasis on drafting and revising.

    Synthesize and organize information for chapter books.

    Write persuasive pieces about meaningful causes.

    Explore fiction-writing techniques by studying fairy tales.

  • Recognize and spell correctly common sight words. Use compound sentences, as well as subject and predicate in sentences. Understand and use the concept of common and proper nouns, regular and irregular plural nouns, and possessive nouns. Use pronouns correctly.

    Understand and use the concept of adjectives; regular, comparative and superlative adjectives. Use articles.

    Identify and use verbs, simple past tense, linking and action verbs, present simple tense, present continuous tense, regular simple past tense, irregular simple past tense and negative verbs.

    Use declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences. Use adverbs, prepositions, and punctuation.


  • Students will be able to count until 1,000,000.

    Understand place value, recognize the value of a digit based on its location within a number.

    Use number systems different from ours.

    They will add, subtract and use a number line.

    Solve multiplications up to 3 digits, short and long division.

    Use of the proper and improper fraction as a part-whole representation and as an operator (numerically and graphically)

    Use of the fraction as a representation of the measure and position on the number line. Add and subtract with multiple denominators.

    Understand equivalent fractions and fraction ordering, mixed addition and subtraction with decimals, doubles and halves of decimals and the relationship between decimals and fraction.

  • Students will be able to identify and classify triangles and quadrilaterals. Classify 3D shapes and understand its relationship with 2D shapes

    Recognize patterns and regularities in prisms and pyramids.

  • Use centimeters, meters, and kilometers in 2D and 3D contexts.

    Discover the capacity and its units of measurement experimentally (ml, l). Use the various units of measurement of time and make time estimates. Solve operations with coins, cents and bills (USD $)

    Understand the relationship between multiplicative calculus and the measurement of area and perimeter of rectangles.

    Use units cm2, m2 and km2. Build polygons.


  • Leer y analizar textos literarios y no literarios.

    Escribir textos creativos y descriptivos.

    Identificar y usar correctamente los tiempos verbales.

    Comprender y aplicar las reglas de ortografía.


  • Students will be able to make arguments about how internal and external structures support survival in plants and animals, as well as explore animal senses used in processing information.

  • Investigate different changes in energy that occur in variety of collisions and how energy is transferred from different sources in the environment.

  • Analyze the impacts of natural hazards on human communities and design a simple model explaining processes of weathering and erosion.

Social Studies

  • Los alumnos serán capaces de comprender la importancia de la historia. Conocer los primeros grupos nómadas en México, el descubrimiento de la agricultura, las comunidades sedentarias y las civilizaciones mesoamericanas o pueblos prehispánicos. Conocer las necesidades comerciales de Europa, y sobre la Nueva España.

  • Los alumnos serán capaces de conocer la división política del mundo, tamaño territorial y límites de México.

    Conocerán la división política de Mexico, los relieves, la diversidad de paisajes, la población, los grupos culturales y los recursos naturales ; así como la calidad de vida, los problemas ambientales y los riesgos en el país.

  • Los alumnos conocerán los derechos de los niños, las leyes y dignidad; así como conceptos como justicia y equidad. Comprender la importancia del diálogo y la conciliación para evitar conflictos.


  • Develop social and emotional skills, attitudes, and competencies to help them become well-rounded individuals who can effectively navigate their personal and social lives.

Project / UN / Finance

  • Students will be able to think critically and develop the habits of mind to navigate digital dilemmas in their everyday lives and embrace a positive culture around media and technology.

  • Analyze the planet's current situation and identify what needs to change.

    Describe the three elements/pillars of sustainability.

    Mention which are the basic needs of people and animals.

    Differentiate between wants and needs.

    Mention a goal for themselves, their community and the planet.

    Identify their own personal skills, talents and abilities and those of their team members.

    Identify improvement areas in their community and planet.

    Identify in which way they can make a difference.

  • Develop a project throughout the trimester using the Reggio Emilia methodology to create an impact in their community.

Ciencias de la Salud

  • Mejoramiento de las capacidades condicionales y coordinativas, implementando las distintas disciplinas deportivas a impartir.

  • Identificar los macronutrientes y micronutrientes dentro de los alimentos.


  • Avance de las destrezas musicales básicas: tocar, leer, escribir y entender la música e introducción a los conceptos de la audición, el análisis y la descripción de la música.


  • Expresar y crear trabajos de arte a partir de la observación de nuestro entorno natural, plantas, paisajes, animales, entorno cultural, vida cotidiana y familiar. Expresar emociones e ideas en sus obras de arte a partir de la experimentación con diversos materiales.


  • Define basic physics concepts and relate them to common machines.

    Apply and recreate their knwolege gain in programming by using a real robot built by themselfs (LEGO Milo).

    Recreate and discover the fuctions of common machines and vehicles.