General Objectives

2nd Grade

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At the end of school year, the students from 2nd Grade, are gonna be able to:

English Language Arts (ELA)

  • Students will improve their reading habits, fluency and comprehension. They will also learn to identify nonfiction books and increase their vocabulary.

  • Students will learn how to write narrative texts, informational texts, and write their opinion with focus, details and dialogue.

  • Students will be able to write compound and simple sentences. They will identify regular and irregular plural nouns, regular and irregular past tense verbs, contractions, suffixes and prefixes.


  • Students will be able to count until 1000 forwards and backwards.They will add, subtract and estimate using counters, number lines, hundred chart, and ten based blocks. They will count by 2s, 5s and 10s.

  • Students will identify squares, rectangles, triangules, circles and 3D shapes. They will solve geometric sudokus and represent tridimensional shapes.

  • Students will discover and compare capacities such as meter, liter, and kilogram. They will measure time, identify and solve problems using usd money.


  • Leer con fluidez y comprensión textos cortos.

    Escribir oraciones simples y párrafos breves.

    Identificar y usar correctamente los signos de puntuación básicos.

    Comprender y seguir instrucciones escritas.


  • Students will explore the nature of science as one way in which humans gain knowledge about the world. Students will make inferences about animals based on images.

  • Students will investigate some observable properties of liquids and solids. They will explore a variety of bulk properties of matter, such as color, texture, hardness, flexibility and materials that float or sink.

  • Students will view and compare the Earth’s surface, including rapid changes from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as more gradual changes caused by the forces of wind and water.

Social Studies

  • Understand how values and beliefs shape culture in Mexico.

  • Understand how various people and events have shaped Mexico.

  • Apply geographic representations, tools, and terms to describe surroundings. Understand interactions between humans and the environment in different places and regions around the world.

  • Understand how freedom, equality, and democracy contribute to the government of Mexico.

  • Understand how the availability of resources impacts economic decisions.


  • Develop social and emotional skills, attitudes, and competencies to help them become well-rounded individuals who can effectively navigate their personal and social lives.

Project / UN / Finance

  • Students will be able to think critically and develop the habits of mind to navigate digital dilemmas in their everyday lives and embrace a positive culture around media and technology

  • Recognize our planet's current situation.

    Identify the meaning of sustainability.

    Identify the sustainability pillars.

    Mention which are the basic needs of people and animals.

    Differentiate between wants and needs.

    Mention a goal for themselves, their community and the planet.

    Recognize how to help the environment and people by doing something they love.

    Identify improvement areas for the environment and the way we use resources.

  • Develop a project throughout the trimester using the Reggio Emilia methodology to create an impact in their community.

Ciencias de la Salud

  • Desarrollo de capacidades coordinativas y condicionales mediante la practica de los fundamentos basicos de las diferentes disciplinas deportivas a impartir.

  • Identificar los diferentes grupos de alimentos principales (frutas, verduras, proteínas, cereales, etc) y sus beneficios


  • Ampliación del rango de uso de la voz de canto. Cantar con buena afinación, sólo o en grupo y con un sonido libre de tensión. Cantar de memoria un repertorio de canciones familiares.

  • Dominio de la escala de "Do" en la flauta dulce. Dominio de los compases de 4/4, 2/4, 3/4 y la notación básica.

  • Utilizar la música como un medio de expresión personal.


  • Expresar y crear trabajos de arte a partir de la observación de nuestro entorno natural, plantas, paisajes, animales, entorno cultural, vida cotidiana y familiar. Expresar emociones e ideas en sus obras de arte a partir de la experimentación con diversos materiales.


  • Define basic physics concepts and relate them to common machines

    Recreate and discover the functions of common machines and vehicles.

    Develop logic and mathematical skills by coding and programming and the correct use of technology.