General Objectives

7th Grade

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At the end of school year, the students from 7th Grade, are gonna be able to:

English Language Arts (ELA)

  • Students will develop a deep understanding of literature by analyzing texts critically and making comparisons.

    They will support their analysis with textual evidence, identify and track themes, and provide objective summaries.

    They will study how story elements like setting and plot, as well as language and literary devices, contribute to meaning.

    Students will also explore different literary forms, analyze varying points of view, and compare written works with their multimedia adaptations.

    Additionally, they will compare fictional and historical accounts to understand how literature reflects or reinterprets history.

    Overall, students will read and comprehend literature, engaging with complex texts with necessary support.

  • Students will master the analysis of informational texts by citing evidence to support both explicit and inferred meanings, identifying central ideas and summarizing texts objectively.

    They will examine how key individuals, events, or ideas are presented and developed, interpret language including technical and figurative meanings, and analyze how different text sections contribute to the overall structure.

    Students will also evaluate the author's purpose and point of view, assess arguments and claims based on evidence, and compare different authors' perspectives on the same subjects.

    Proficiency in reading and comprehending high-complexity literary nonfiction will be demonstrated, with appropriate support as needed.

  • Students will enhance their writing skills across various genres by producing clear, coherent, and well-organized texts.

    They will write arguments with strong claims supported by clear reasons and relevant evidence, maintain a formal style, and provide a coherent conclusion.

    In informative/explanatory writing, students will effectively examine topics, organize ideas, and use precise language, appropriate transitions, and relevant details to convey information.

    For narrative writing, students will develop real or imagined experiences with effective techniques, descriptive details, and well-structured sequences, engaging the reader and providing a logical conclusion.

    Additionally, students will use technology for writing and research, conduct short research projects using multiple sources, and apply their reading analysis skills to support their writing.

    They will demonstrate the ability to plan, revise, edit, and produce writing suited to various tasks, purposes, and audiences, with ongoing support and guidance.

  • Students will develop effective speaking and listening skills by engaging in diverse collaborative discussions, including one-on-one, group, and teacher-led formats.

    They will come prepared for discussions, drawing on evidence from studied materials to build on others' ideas and express their own clearly.

    Students will follow discussion rules, set goals, define roles, and contribute to conversations with elaboration and detail.

    They will review key ideas, demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives, and interpret information presented through various media.

    Additionally, students will delineate arguments and claims, present findings with logical sequencing and clear delivery, and use multimedia components to enhance presentations.

    They will adapt their speech to different contexts, maintaining formal English when appropriate.

  • Students will demonstrate a strong command of standard English Grammar usage, and conventions in both writing and speaking.

    They will explain the roles of phrases and clauses, effectively use various sentence structures to convey relationships among ideas, and correct errors related to modifiers.

    Students will apply correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, including the proper use of commas with coordinate adjectives.

    They will choose precise and concise language, avoiding wordiness and redundancy, and clarify meanings of unknown or multiple-meaning words through context, affixes, and reference materials.

    Additionally, students will interpret figurative language, understand word relationships and nuances, and use academic and domain-specific vocabulary accurately to enhance comprehension and expression.


  • Students will be able to solve operations with integers (positives & negatives) as well as comparing numbers and locating them in a number line.

    Students also will be able to work with ratios, percentages, decimals and fractions. Students will also learn how to solve and algebraic expressions.

  • Students will be able to obtain Area, Volume, and other data from polygons and 3-D shapes, as well as the Surface Area.

  • Students should understand the concept of variables as symbols representing unknown or changing values.

  • Students will learn how to obtain the probability of simple events and to collect and organize information.


  • Ampliar su capacidad de comunicación, aportando, compartiendo y evaluando información en diversos contextos.

    Ampliar su conocimiento de las características del lenguaje oral y escrito en sus aspectos sintácticos, semánticos y gráficos, y lo utilicen para comprender y producir textos. Interpreten y produzcan textos para responder a las demandas de la vida social, empleando diversas modalidades de lectura y escritura en función de sus propósitos.

    Expresen y defiendan sus opiniones y creencias de manera razonada, respeten los puntos de vista de otros desde una perspectiva crítica y reflexiva, utilicen el diálogo como forma privilegiada para resolver conflictos, y sean capaces de modificar sus opiniones y creencias ante argumentos razonables.

    Analicen, comparen y valoren la información que generan los diferentes medios de comunicación masiva, y tengan una opinión personal sobre los mensajes que éstos difunden.

    Conozcan, analicen y aprecien el lenguaje literario de diferentes géneros, autores, épocas y culturas, con el fin de que valoren su papel en la representación del mundo; comprendan los patrones que lo organizan y las circunstancias discursivas e históricas que le han dado origen.

    Utilicen el lenguaje de manera imaginativa, libre y personal para reconstruir la experiencia propia y crear textos literarios.

    Utilicen los acervos impresos y digitales a su alcance para obtener y seleccionar información con propósitos específicos.


  • Students will explore life sciences with objectives aimed at deepening their understanding of biological concepts and honing their scientific inquiry skills.

    They investigate cell biology, including cell structure and function, genetic principles like inheritance and DNA, ecological topics such as ecosystems and biodiversity, and the remarkable diversity of living organisms.

    Through hands-on investigations and critical thinking, students develop a comprehensive grasp of life sciences, enabling them to appreciate the intricacies of the natural world and their place within it.

Social Studies

  • Students will develop their historical thinking skills and their ability to analyze historical events within a broader global context.

    Students will explore topics such as the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and the emergence of empires and cultures in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

    They will examine the social, political, economic, and cultural developments that shaped these periods and their impact on the modern world.

    Additionally, students will engage in critical analysis of primary and secondary sources, refine their research skills, and construct well-supported historical arguments.

    Students will cultivate advanced historical thinking skills and a sophisticated understanding of how historical forces have shaped the modern world.

    Students will delve into topics such as the Age of Enlightenment, revolutions, industrialization, imperialism, the World Wars, and the post-World War II era.

    They will analyze the complex interplay of political, economic, social, and cultural factors that have influenced global history.

    Additionally, students will refine their abilities to evaluate primary and secondary sources critically, conduct research, and construct well-reasoned historical arguments.


  • Students will be able to identify and understand their emotions. They will learn strategies to deal with stress and with everyday situations, as well as dealing with failure.

    Students will also develop skills such as self-perception, resilience, healthy relationships, setting boundaries, healthy perception of the environment, gratitude, generosity, among others

Global Citizen Learning

  • Students will reflect on their media choices, develop strategies for maintaining a healthy media balance, and create personal guidelines for managing online interactions.

    They will explore the value of personal data to companies, analyze how their digital footprint affects their online privacy and reputation, and learn strategies to limit data collection.

    Through discussions on social media's role, students will assess its impact on relationships, recognize red flag feelings, and develop responses to cyberbullying.

    Additionally, students will understand copyright, public domain, and fair use, applying these concepts to real-world scenarios.

  • Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of financial principles and practices, including the historical evolution of money, the role of central and neobanks, and methods for generating and managing income.

    They will learn to plan and budget effectively, set and achieve financial goals, and make informed decisions about saving and investing.

    Additionally, students will explore career options, understand the impact of taxes and credit, and gain insights into managing debt, building wealth, and preparing for retirement.

    Through these topics, they will build essential financial literacy skills to navigate their future financial decisions responsibly.

  • Strengthen their ability to research complex global topics, analyze multiple perspectives, and engage in formal debates.

    Students will develop negotiation skills, learn how to collaborate with peers, and present their country’s stance through position papers and speeches.

Ciencias de la Salud

  • Introducción al desarrollo de la fuerza, resistencia, velocidad y flexibilidad haciendo énfasis en el entrenamiento funcional y entrenamiento de pesas. Desarrollo de las distintas disciplinas deportivas a impartir.

  • Desarrollar habilidades prácticas para transformar y enriquecer recetas con ingredientes de baja calidad nutricional, convirtiéndolas en opciones más saludables y nutritivas.


  • Participar en proyectos individuales y grupales con instrumentos como el piano y las percusiones.

    Desarrollar la audición analítica de los elementos que componen el lenguaje musical.

    Conocer y reconocer los periodos de la música así como sus principales expositores.

    Aplicar conocimientos y utilizarlos en la improvisación , composición e interpretación a través del uso de la tecnología.


  • Expresar y crear trabajos de arte a partir de sus percepciones, sentimientos e ideas generadas desde la observación de manifestaciones estéticas referidas a diversidad cultural, género e íconos sociales, patrimoniales y contemporáneas.

    Crear trabajos visuales a partir de intereses personales, experimentando con materiales y técnicas en dibujo, pintura y escultura.


  • Students will implement concepts such as percentages, speed, chemical reactions and programming language, while developing creativity and artistic expression through the customization of prototypes.

    Develop soft skills, such as teamwork, perseverance, tolerance and leadership.