General Objectives

3rd Grade

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At the end of school year, the students from 3rd Grade, are gonna be able to:

English Language Arts (ELA)

  • Students focus on meaning by being able to understand author’s craft, and build big ideas about the books they read. Compare and contrast information across texts when reading nonfiction. Practice strategies to build three foundational reading skills—fluency, understanding figurative language, and comprehension. Students work within book clubs to study author’s craft, understanding ways authors use word choice, figurative language, punctuation, and even patterns.

  • Craft powerful true stories based on their own small moments. Students write about science from nonfiction texts. Elaborate persuasive arguments based on text evidence and explore language by writing poetry.

  • Recognize and spell correctly common sight words and compound words.

    Identify and use contractions correctly.

    Understand and use the concept of common and proper nouns, singular and plural nouns, and possessive nouns.

    Use pronouns correctly.

    Understand and the concept of prepositions, contractions, adverbs, antonyms, homonyms, adjectives and comparative adjectives, conjunctions and commands.

    Identify types of sentences. Identify action verbs, verb tenses, such as past, present, and future.

    Create more complex sentences with subjects, predicates, and expanded noun phrases.

    Understand and apply rules for capitalization.


  • Students will be able to count until 10,000. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators. Identify mixed numbers, even and odd numbers.

    Solve and estimate addition and subtractions. Solve multiplications up to 2 digits

    Learn to use a calculator.

    Use fractions to represent a whole.

    Use of fractions to represent a measure and a position in the number line.

  • Students will be able to identify and classify shapes by form, size and color. Recognize attributes and features of four-sided shapes. Identify prisms and determine volume and area.

    Identify patterns and regularities in cubes.

    Understand the difference between 2D and 3D shape

  • Students will discover and compare capacities such as meter, liter, and kilogram.

    They will estimate measures of time, identify and solve problems using money (USD $).

    Student will estimate weight of various objects and use measuring instruments to check it. Know the equivalences between kilogram, gram and ton.

    Understand the concept of angle: measure and construct angles with the protractor.


  • Leer y comprender textos más complejos.

    Escribir textos coherentes y organizados.

    Identificar y analizar la estructura de los textos.

    Comprender y aplicar las reglas básicas de gramática.


  • Students will be able to identify different life habitats and make arguments about how organisms adapt to different habitats for their survival.

  • Carry out investigation about how forces affect motion and how an engineer uses knowledge of force to solve engineering problems.

  • Students will be able to identify patterns, describe climate changes in different regions of the world and construct arguments on how weather hazards can be minimized.

Social Studies

  • Understand how values and beliefs of individuals and groups influence communities.

  • Understand how various people and historical events have shaped local communities.

  • Understand how geography impacts the development of regions and communities.

  • Understand the structure and function of state and local government.

  • Understand how economic decisions and resources affect the local economy.


  • Develop social and emotional skills, attitudes, and competencies to help them become well-rounded individuals who can effectively navigate their personal and social lives.

Project / UN / Finance

  • Students will be able to think critically and develop the habits of mind to navigate digital dilemmas in their everyday lives and embrace a positive culture around media and technology.

  • Analyze the planet's current situation and identify what needs to change.

    Describe the three elements/pillars of sustainability.

    Mention which are the basic needs of people and animals.

    Differentiate between wants and needs.

    Mention a goal for themselves, their community and the planet.

    Identify their own personal skills, talents and abilities and those of their team members.

    Identify improvement areas in their community and planet.

    Identify in which way they can make a difference.

  • Develop a project throughout the trimester using the Reggio Emilia methodology to create an impact in their community.

Ciencias de la Salud

  • Mejoramiento de las capacidades condicionales y mantenimiento de las capacidades coordinativas, implementando las distintas disciplinas deportivas a impartir.

  • Identificar los diferentes grupos de alimentos principales (frutas, verduras, proteínas, cereales, etc) y sus beneficios.


  • Ampliación del rango de uso de la voz de canto. Cantar con buena afinación, sólo o en grupo y con un sonido libre de tensión. Cantar de memoria un repertorio de canciones familiares.

  • Ampliación de habilidades en la ejecución instrumental.

  • Inicio de los conceptos elementales de la improvisación, la composición y el arreglo musical.


  • Expresar y crear trabajos de arte a partir de la observación de nuestro entorno natural, plantas, paisajes, animales, entorno cultural, vida cotidiana y familiar. Expresar emociones e ideas en sus obras de arte a partir de la experimentación con diversos materiales.


  • Define basic physics concepts and relate them to common machines

    Recreate and discover the functions of common machines and vehicles

    Apply and recreate the knowledge gained by programming a real robot constructed by the students (LEGO Milo)